
~96~Is it March Yet?

  As we wrap up the end of January, I can't help but want February to just disappear.  I guess on the upside it is a short month.  Since before Thanksgiving, it's the longest stretch of school that I'll have without a break.  Add in more cold, and now me getting bigger, it'll feel even longer than the 6.5 weeks it actually is.  

Anyone who knows me, or has been reading this blog for a while knows that March is my favorite month.  Considering the start of spring (along with spring break) and my birthday fall in this month, what's not to love about it?

In addition to the normal perks of March, Jake will be going to Vegas for a bachelor party, and then my MN Baby Shower is the following weekend at the start of Spring Break. I can't wait!

Ok, here's the rundown from this past week

How far along: 29 weeks! 
Baby's Size: An Acorn Squash (approx 15.5 inches long and 3LBs)
Symptoms: Braxton Hicks contractions, and lower abdominal pressure, acid reflux, needing to go to the bathroom all.the.time.
Best Moment: Jake getting to SEE baby moving around in my belly.  Definitely crazy and memorizing to watch.  
Worst Moment: Dealing with a leaky sink, clogged pipe, and broken dishwasher in the same weekend.
Misc: Thankfully, I'm still sleeping well, even though I miss being able to sleep on my stomach.  Typically I have to get up to go to the bathroom around 3 or 4am, but I'm able to fall back asleep quickly.  I'm starting to find it more exhausting to walk and climb stairs, and am running out of breath more easily.  As much as I love going to movies, sitting through one is not very comfortable at all.   I'm also very grateful that I have managed to avoid stretch marks, I have minimal (if any) swelling, and my rings are not only fitting, but loose.  

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