
~96~Is it March Yet?

  As we wrap up the end of January, I can't help but want February to just disappear.  I guess on the upside it is a short month.  Since before Thanksgiving, it's the longest stretch of school that I'll have without a break.  Add in more cold, and now me getting bigger, it'll feel even longer than the 6.5 weeks it actually is.  

Anyone who knows me, or has been reading this blog for a while knows that March is my favorite month.  Considering the start of spring (along with spring break) and my birthday fall in this month, what's not to love about it?

In addition to the normal perks of March, Jake will be going to Vegas for a bachelor party, and then my MN Baby Shower is the following weekend at the start of Spring Break. I can't wait!

Ok, here's the rundown from this past week

How far along: 29 weeks! 
Baby's Size: An Acorn Squash (approx 15.5 inches long and 3LBs)
Symptoms: Braxton Hicks contractions, and lower abdominal pressure, acid reflux, needing to go to the bathroom all.the.time.
Best Moment: Jake getting to SEE baby moving around in my belly.  Definitely crazy and memorizing to watch.  
Worst Moment: Dealing with a leaky sink, clogged pipe, and broken dishwasher in the same weekend.
Misc: Thankfully, I'm still sleeping well, even though I miss being able to sleep on my stomach.  Typically I have to get up to go to the bathroom around 3 or 4am, but I'm able to fall back asleep quickly.  I'm starting to find it more exhausting to walk and climb stairs, and am running out of breath more easily.  As much as I love going to movies, sitting through one is not very comfortable at all.   I'm also very grateful that I have managed to avoid stretch marks, I have minimal (if any) swelling, and my rings are not only fitting, but loose.  


~95~ 28 Weeks

This week has been semi-eventful.  
On Monday, I had my 28 week appointment, where I got to hear Baby H's perfect heartbeat of 138bpm.  Everything is measuring right on track as we start to head into the final stretch.  By the end of January, we'll be down to 10 weeks to go!  At this point in my mind, I really just need to get through February.  

Tuesday we had our second prenatal class, which we both enjoyed.  A majority of it was spent learning about and trying different laboring positions.  One thing that I didn't realize is that early labor (which occurs prior to heading to the hospital) can last from 6 to 12 hours!  My thought is, do I try and do that at work if necessary, or do I go home?  I guess I'll only be able to make that decision when it happens.   Talking about and using some of the techniques in class makes everything that much more real!

Thursday, I went back to OB for my glucose screening test.  This consisted of drinking a very sugary drink within 5 minutes and then having my blood drawn to check my blood sugar levels.  I was anticipating that it'd taste horrible, but it wasn't bad at all.  I equated it to a Freeze Pop that had melted.  Thankfully, my blood glucose levels came back normal and I was not flagged for gestational diabetes!

Here's my summary of the week: 

How Far Along: 28w1d

Baby's Size: An eggplant (1.5-2.5lbs, 13.6-14.8inches)  
*Side note, I'm pretty sure these are the same measurements as last week.  In the 3rd trimester the growth of the fetus can vary the same way people can vary in height and weight.  

Symptoms: Acid reflux, increased urination.  I swear, I can't go more than hour without feeling like my bladder is going to burst.  

Best Moment: 

Worst Moment: 

Movement: Tons.  I'm not completely sure that I'm not growing an alien baby.  It can be pretty mesmerizing to watch my belly take on all sorts of shapes.  Sometimes, he'll kick so hard it hurts.  This week is also when I'm supposed to begin counting kicks.  A healthy baby should kick at least 10 times within 2 hours.  At this point, Baby H goes through regular sleep and awake cycles, and typically will sleep no more than an hour at a time.  Not only that, but Baby H can also dream!  What he dreams about, I can't even begin to imagine.  

Appointments: Now that we're well into the 3rd trimester, appointments are now every 2 weeks. This will continue until I read 36 weeks. 

Misc: My belly button is almost 100% outtie :(  It's flirting between being an innie and an outtie, but it's definitely leaning towards being an outtie now.  


~94~ 3rd Trimester

As of Monday, I am officially in my 3rd trimester! 
Only 13 weeks to go.  

This week, we started our prenatal classes.  They run for 5 weeks and are hosted by the hospital that we'll deliver at.  Best part-they're FREE!  In fact, our hospital offers all sort of different classes for free.  Jake will be going to another one in February that is just for Dads-to-be, and then we have a breastfeeding essentials class in March. 

This week's class focused on an overview of pregnancy and labor.  Most of the time was spent going over logistics, doing introductions, and talking about how our pregnancies have gone so far.  We both liked the instructor and are looking forward to next week's class.  A couple of things we learned:

1. Cold Sores exposure can be fatal for infants under 1 year old.
2. The power of massage, calming music, and a focal point for reducing pain and promoting relaxation.
3. Only 10% of women have their water break outside of the hospital.  I always thought it a much higher percentage. 

Other than that, here's what this what's going on with Baby H.

How far along: 27 weeks
Baby's Size: Rutabaga (13.6-14.8 inches long, 1.5-2.5lbs)
Symptoms: Acid reflux (at least that's what I Think it is).  Apparently this means that baby will be born with lots of hair.  
Best Moment: Starting prenatal classes.  Things are starting to get real!  We also bought an elliptical, which was exciting for us :)
Worst Moment: Nothing that I can think of. 
Movement: I am definitely feeling him all over.  I mostly feel him at night while sitting on the couch.   He is situated pretty low, so no jabs in the ribs yet, thankfully!  His movements are starting to feel less like punches and more like rolling. 
Appointments: Next Thursday I have my Glucose challenge test.  Fingers crossed I pass and don't have to do the 3 hour test!

Note: I apologize for the absence of "bump" pictures.  I never remember to take them in the morning, and as soon as I get home from work, I change into PJs, which are not photo worthy.  I promise to take one soon!


~93~ Happy New Year (weeks 25/26)

Happy 2015!
It's going to be a big year for me :)
We're having a BABY!
I'm entering my 30s (gulp).

When did I become such an adult?

In all honestly, I am so happy with where my life currently is, and where it is going.  Of course there are the expected ups and downs, and the road ahead can be a little daunting at times; but when I sit back and look at what I've accomplished before turning 30, I feel really good about it.  I have  an amazing husband, friends and family a girl could ask for, a beautiful home, the cutest puppies ever, the best , a career that I love, a Master's degree, and now I get the privilege of being someone's mom. I cannot wait!  We are now less than 100 days until little man's due date!

*Here's my update*
How far along: 26 weeks
Baby's Size: Head of lettuce (13.6-14.8 inches, 1.5-2.5lbs)
Symptoms: Not much except for what I think are Braxton Hick's contractions.
Best Moment: Being able to say that I'm due this year :) That and having 2 very nice, low-key, and relaxing weeks off.  It was exactly what I needed!
Worst Moment: Can't think of anything at the moment.
Movement: Lots.  I tend to feel him moving more at night than at any other time during the day.  Sometimes it feels like a vibration, other times, it feels like he's knocking.
Appointments: Our last appointment went great.  Heartbeat was 152bpm and he had the hiccups.  Next appointment is in 2.5 weeks when I take my glucose challenge test.  The lovely orange drink is currently chilling in the fridge.
Names: We've thrown around a few ideas, but have decided to wait on choosing a name until after he's born and we get to meet him face-to-face.
Other News: My belly button is on the verge of disappearing.  It's still an "innie", but not for much longer.

Until next week,

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