Honestly, this is a terrible excuse, but I have just been so busy, that my blog has fallen down the list in priorities, and I haven't had a chance to do any crafting in many, many weeks. I am very excited though to get to devote some quality time to exploring my new Cuttlebug. I did stop at Michaels (using a birthday gift card) and pick up some supplies to go with it. Definitely be on the look out for some posts highlighting it in the next couple months.
Last week, was one of the busiest weeks of the year. As some of you, my dear readers, may recall, I play the violin in a local community orchestra. We rehearse every Tuesday night and perform concerts for the public each season. In addition, we also accompany a local ballet company in their annual main stage production. This year, it was the Wizard of Oz. While it was A LOT of work, it was so much fun! I don't usually rave about music other than that from Tchaikovsky, but this all original score, from Kermit Poling, was nothing short of amazing. It was some of the most fun I've had playing the violin in recent years.
Aside from orchestra, I have been very busy with school. My district is currently in the process of transitioning over to the Common Core/Iowa Core curriculum, and that means a lot of work from me and other teachers in the district to get ready for it. We are also in the final count-down until the end of school. Only 6 full weeks left or, 33 days. It's completely crazy to me how quickly this school year went by.
Finally, I was filling out my calendar for all of our upcoming events, and oh my gosh we are booked through mid-May already and several weekends this summer! Next week, I am excitedly going to Baltimore, MD to celebrate the final sermon and retirement of my uncle, who also married Jake and I. It was kind of a last minute plan/trip and I'm so excited to spend some quality time with my family-some of which I haven't seen since our wedding 9 months ago. I'll be leaving Saturday and coming home Monday.
Next weekend, Jake has a bachelor party in Chicago, and the weekend after that is the wedding. The 1st week in May we have our spring concert, and the week after that we have a graduation party for Jake's cousin and we are participating in the March of Dimes-in honor of our friends' beautiful daughter who was born at just 24weeks! More on that later. In June, Jake will be celebrating his 10 year high school reunion (when did we get so old?!?) and we will be celebrating our 1 year anniversary, and another friends' bachelor party. And then, we have 2 weddings in July. I can already tell that summer is going to fly by and it's not even here yet!
I will do my best to post as often as I can, but please forgive me if it's sparse between now and then end of school. I have lots of plans to get some good crafting in once the school year is over.
P.S. Last week I was given some great news!! I was officially accepted into a Masters of Science in Education program at Walden University and I begin classes at the end of June!
I hope everyone is having a great spring!
Until Next Time,
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