
~72~ Guest Bathroom Redo

It's probably not a huge surprise, but our guest bathroom isn't exactly the nicest room in our house.  Ever since we moved in, changing pretty much everything about it was on the list.  

The first changes were made a few months back when I added a stained crate shelf that doubles as a hand towel bar, as well as some cute framed art I found at JoAnns. 

Just before Christmas, Jake and I agreed that we'd use any Christmas money that we received to buy a new vanity/sink for the guest bathroom.  We ended up finding a great deal at Home Depot where we also bought the chrome faucet.  With the help of Jake's uncle, Johnny, we were able to get it installed without too much hassle.  Immediate upgrade!

While we were at it, we decided we might as well get rid of the bulky and not so pretty mirror and light combo.  After doing some searching online, I found a 3 bulb wall light from Lowe's that I really liked.  It's different from any other light fixture I've seen before in that type of style, and wasn't too expensive.  

Once we got that installed, we needed to touch up the paint underneath the old mirror.  Unfortunately the previous owners didn't leave any of the paint or the name of the color.  However, Jake cut out a piece that is hidden under the vanity and I was able to get it color matched at Lowes, which is also where we ended up getting our mirror from.  

At first, we debated on what shape mirror to get.  I had contemplated going with an oval just to mix things up, but after talking over with Jake and some friends, we decided to go with a rectangular mirror because we thought it would mix better with the linear look of the vanity and light fixture.  By the way, holy cow mirrors can be REALLY expensive.  The one we ultimately chose was very reasonably priced at only $30.  We chose white to compliment the vanity top and to provide some contrast between the dark vanity and dark light fixture.  

The final product: 

It's amazing to me how just a few little changes can make a big difference in the overall look of a room, and it was done very inexpensively.  When all was said and done, it cost just over $200. 

Project Details: 
Vanity: $69
Faucet: $30
Light Fixture: $60
Mirror: $30
Paint: $15
Plumbing Supplies: $20
Total Cost: $224

 I absolutely love our guest bathroom now and I can't wait to show it off to family and friends.  A HUGE thank you to Jake and Uncle Johnny for all of their hard work getting it done, and so quickly!  We started the project on Wednesday and it was completely finished by the end of Saturday night.  

In addition to transforming the bathroom, Jake is also working on converting our guest bedroom into a Man Cave that will double as a poker room and workout room.  There will be more on that in the coming weeks as we finish out the project. 

Until then, 

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